Saturday, October 07, 2006

in which the yankees go down, and als in which i am not sober.

maybe one day i will write something pretty about how amzing it was to be part of the amazingness that was comrica park today.

for now, i will only say this:
suck it, yankees!

damn, that felt good.

today, after returning from new york with a tie series, the tigers SHUT OUT the yankees.
do you hear me?
that means the yankees didn't score a single point.
not by cheating-jason-giambi, sell-out-johnny-damon, one.

i swear, if the tigers franchise never wins another game in the whole of eternity, it will have been worth it to be in comerica park tonight.

it was, to put it simply, electric.

baby girl and i may or may not (we totally did) get into a fight with a yankees fan within two poin two seconds of getting to our seats.
but i'll tell you that story after i deal with the hangovr that i think might be on it's way at the moment.


Blogger Michelle said...

Now, I wish I could have been there for that - I was sooo happy to hear you guys beat the Yank-mes!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oh, yeah, as you can tell, I'm catching up on Blogging and reading blogs (my whole life pretty much stopped for play-offs and WS).

3:30 PM  

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